Specialists in Serious Fraud and Complex Criminal Defence
Operation Magnum and Muzzle: MPR solicitors secure acquittal at Sheffield Crown Court in large-scale conspiracy to supply Heroin and illegal highs

MPR Serious and Complex Crime Team led by Senior Barrister Abdullah Al-Yunusi were instructed to represent a lead defendant in the case. Our client was charged with conspiracy to supply heroin and illegal highs. The case centred around telephone billing evidence and the crown were seeking to attribute certain handsets to our client with what they believed contained incriminating data linking our client to key events in the conspiracy chain and timeline of events. Large amounts of data had to be assimilated in a short space of time and skilful negotiations took place with the Crown’s QC out of court on the evidence. The case was so serious that it was being prosecuted by 2 barristers for the Crown including a Queens Counsel.
The case involved cross-border jurisdictions as the drugs travelled from Spain to the UK. Our client was based in Spain and other defendants in the case were extradicted to the UK under the European arrest warrant process.