Specialists in Serious Fraud and Complex Criminal Defence
Acquitted of conspiracy to steal at Aylesbury Crown Court

MPR solicitors were instructed to represent a client charged with conspiracy to steal from a betting shop in the Thames Valley area. It was alleged that the client had been a conspirator to an inside job where a fake robbery had been staged and thousands of pounds stolen from the company’s safe. Our client was a person of good character with no previous convictions. The evidence centred around telephone evidence and text messages together with CCTV of the robbery. The stolen cash was never recovered.
Our client maintained their innocence from the beginning despite quite compelling evidence against them. We devised a case strategy and plan with our client and one of our Partners took the lead role in the defence team.
The case was prepared meticulously by our lawyers in the Serious and Complex Crime Team and the case was successfully defended at trial by one of the Partners who is also a senior trial barrister. By thorough cross-examination of Prosecution witnesses and skilful trial strategy, our in-house barrister was able to secure a unanimous not guilty verdict at Aylesbury Crown Court.