Specialists in Serious Fraud and Complex Criminal Defence
Murder and Manslaughter Cases
A selection of our recent cases
R v D: Central Criminal Court: Case involving the murder of Richard Mannigton Bowes during the London Ealing Riots
R v S: Central Criminal Court: Successful acquittal for a client accused of a gangland kiling in Southall, West London
R v B & ors: Central Criminal Court: Defendant charged with gangland murder. Successfully acquitted.
R v S & ors: Central Criminal Court: Defendant charged with conspiracy to murder whilst already on Court bail for another murder. MPR Solicitors successfully applied for bail on the double murder and our pro-active defence and legal submissions to the Central Criminal Court on points of Identification led to the case being dismissed and our client walking free from Court.
R v B and ors: Central Criminal Court: Defendant charged with conspiracy to murder along with 4 others. We were able to establish at an early stage in the proceedings that the Crown Prosecution Service had a weak case and the matter never reached trial having been dismissed prior to the Plea and Case Management hearing in the Crown Court.
R v W & ors Central Criminal Court: Defendant charged with murder with 5 others. Described as a gangland murder, this was a particularly high profile case which collapsed after three days into the trial. The Crown Prosecution had attempted to introduce fresh evidence on the first day of the trial which was successfully argued out by the defence team from MPR Solicitors. For more information click here.
R v D & ors Central Criminal Court: Defendant charged with murder and arson with 4 others. Complex legal argument and forensic issues.
R v I & ors Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court: Defendant was a 16 year old youth charged with murder with 6 others. The case involved a stabbing to death of an old lady in West London. The Defendant pleaded not guilty and following a trial was acquitted of murder but was found guilty of ABH (actual bodily harm).
R v B: Our client was a local man from Staines who was arrested on suspicion of the murder of Jonathon Hancock in Southsea in Hampshire. At first glance the police evidence seemed compelling and revolved around alibi and identification. We were able to highlight weaknesses in the police case at the investigation stage and this ultimately led to the police dropping all charges against our client. The case became a landmark case in the admissibility of facial mapping evidence and due to the relentless efforts of the MPR defence team, our client was never charged. For more information click here.