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Historic child rape case dropped by South Yorkshire police

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MPR solicitors’ specialist sexual offences lawyers were instructed to advise and represent an individual over allegations of historic sexual abuse and child rape going back decades. After extensive police interviews and representations from the legal team, the case was finally dropped by the police in conjunction with advice from the Crown Prosecution Service. Much was down to the unreliable evidence of the alleged complainant whom we discovered had a troubled background and had made false allegations in the past.

It is often good pro-active defence to make pre-charge written representations to the CPS as this can sometimes positively affect a decision in favour of a client whether to charge or not by drawing attention to the weaknesses in the investigation and the evidence. It can be a fine balancing act between giving away too much information or refraining from disclosing important information which may assist the defence case and undermine the Prosecution case. At MPR Solicitors, we can advise you at every step of a police investigation and can on a client’s instructions, make representations to the investigating authorities.
